SmadAV Pro Rev 10.0.0 Full Serial Key Newest 2015
Download SmadAV Pro Rev 10.0.0 Full Serial Number Free Latest 2015: hallo friend blog where a free software download, this time I will give you an anti-virus pride of the State of Indonesia nich,
namely anti-virus called SmadAV Pro Rev Full Version 10.0.0 Complete with the serial number for my friend. proven today SmadAV many who use it, because of the sophistication features - its in eradicating the evil virus on our computer and laptop, so SmadAV currently the best anti virus no.1 in Indonesia, not only in Indonesia, smadav today widely used by computer users worldwide tablets sob, so for my friend who still has smadav pro 2015 version 10.0.0 Rev. deh this game downloaded and updated smadavnya.Buddy Blog Jembersantri already announcing the Anti-Virus software artificial Local Indonesian named Best New SmadAV, yes local anti virus most famous and best-selling and menyedikan also provides the Pro version, but the pro version to get Paid and we need to pay Rp. 30,000 for a computer / PC but in this way we will get for Free by including Serial Number Pro 10.0.0 SmadAV this.
Download SmadAV Pro Rev 10.0.0 New 2015 Full Serial Number Guide
Moreover, I gave this version is pro version, so the speed scanningnya be 10x faster, the virus is able to recognize hundreds of millions of local and world, no usb protection that prevents viruses from removable devices such as flash, etc., can change the look smadavnya, eg display smadavnya the default color is green, pro smadav well on this, you can just change it according to my friend's favorite color Jembersantri Blog tablets, the file size is also very small and lightweight at only about 1MB sob, and does not burden the performance of our computers, pal also eliminates the display start smadAV screen when the computer is first turned on. and many other features sob deh, deh waiting game software download smadav pro full version 10.0.0 plus the latest serial number 2015 for free of course only in this blogspot blog jembersantri.
What's new from SmadAV Pro Rev. Recent 10.0.0 2015 ??
SmadAV 2015 Rev. 10.0: Changes in appearance and language Latest SmadAV 2015, the addition of a new virus database 212, Completion of immunization methods USB flash etc.
Screen Shot:
The following comparison of features and smadav pro smadav free:
SmadAV Free
To answer the question "What is SmadAV Free?" quite easy and quick to answer, SmadAV Free Anti Virus is a version of this that licensenya / Serial Key Free (Freeware) and not in the entrance fee charged for the use, wear and enjoy this software. but of course there are features that are lacking in SmadAV Free version.
Features SmadAV Free
To its own true of Free is not inferior to Pro, for its own is:
1. The additional protection for your computer, 100% compatible with other antivirus
2. Best USB Antivirus (Total Protection USB stick)
3. Best for offline use (no need to update too often)
4. Cleaner and tools to clean the virus
SmadAV Pro
SmadAV Pro is a paid version of SmadAV, so to obtain them we need to transfer the money to get a License / Serial keynya. and here too there are some additional features of SmadAV.
Advantages and Benefits SmadAV Pro
Many advantages not possessed SmadAV Pro Version Free, and of course this feature is more feature can memperbudah us in doing things with SmadAV, following Tambahanya Features:
1. Automatic Update Online
2. Scanning Faster
3. Exception List
4. Maximize / Resize Display
5. Changing Color Themes and Views
6. Can Provide Admin Password
Installation Method:
1. Install SmadAV As usual
2. If it is, select the language you want to use
3. Enable Protection SmadAV
4. If you have installed input the serial number on the tab "Manage" -> "General Settings"
5. The serial number can be my friend see the files that has been my friend Such Download. :)
6. SmadAV You become a Pro
7. Congratulations Using SmadAV Latest Pro 2015 ...
How to Activate SmadAV Pro 10.0.0 Anti BlackList:
1. Run SmadAV - Click Manage- General Settings
2. Fill in the name and corresponding serial data below:
Serial Number SmadAV 2015 Pro Rev 10.0:
Type: Personal
Key: 085700762203
Type: Figuring
Key: 779877762203
Type: Company
Key: 999899762203
To SMADAV 9.x is recommended to use the type of license PERSONAL
1. Exit SMADAV RTP (Right click Tray Icon - EXIT)
2. Disconnect the Internet
3. Click Start => Run or press the Windows logo + R
4. then type "regedit" to run the registry editor.
5. Then open
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER> Software> Microsoft> Notepad" in the registry editor.
6. Then find "lfPitchAndFamily", "lfPitchAndFamily2", and "lfPitchAndFamily3", when it was found to remove all lfPitchAndFamily.
7. Then open the C: \ Program Files \ SmadAV and click 2 times on the file "SMARTP.exe" to run SmadAV.
8. Open In Settings Tab, Enter data according keygen
System Requirements:
• Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 32-bit and 64-bit (x86 and x64) For Windows PC
Thus my first review of SmadAV Pro Rev 10.0.0 Download Full Serial Number Keygen Newest 2015, may be useful for my friend, if there is a problem please just my friend commented on the comments that we have provided .. thanks .. ^ _ ^
Important .. !!! Before Conducting Process Download, Anti Virus Should any computer buddy hope in disabling First yes. In order Patch Can Download Full versionnya too
Greetings from Bob de garage bouwer